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Union Commercial Capital

How to Reopen Your Business During Covid-19

Everyday life has certainly changed over the past year. You can't turn on the news or look online without seeing constant updates about the COVID-19 pandemic. The rules and safety recommendations from local, state, and federal governments are constantly changing and this is leading to fear and uncertainty among consumers and business owners alike. Many businesses in the United States are beginning to welcome their employees and customers back after months of restrictions and mandated shutdowns. As small businesses begin operating again under this new normal, they’re faced with a difficult balancing act of resuming operations while maintaining safety standards that include social distancing and face coverings.

If your business is expected to reopen, it is important that you implement safety measures. Union Commercial Capital wants you, your customers, and your employees to stay safe and healthy during this transition. Here are some tips for reopening.

Stay on top of regulations

The recommended strategies in this Union Commercial Capital post are based on information that has been made available by the US government and leading medical organizations. There are a number of safety protocols and requirements that are tailored to the needs of specific businesses in every state and city, and they change often. Therefore, it is a good idea to be proactive and regularly look online for the latest updates so that your business is compliant and not at risk.

Modify safety measures to your work environment

All work environments are different. Commercial offices, manufacturing plants, restaurants, retail shops, dental practices, and grocery stores involve unique business activities, and their workplace footprints and amount of person-to-person interaction varies accordingly. The best way to protect your workers and customers from COVID-19 transmission is to enact safety measures as recommended by the CDC, and by your state or local government officials.

Some of the common safety measures that apply to all businesses include enhanced cleaning protocols, physical distancing rules, physical distancing signage and floor art, and wearing face coverings. Businesses in the retail, manufacturing, hospitality, and manufacturing industries, among others, have installed plexiglass barriers as checkout counters and workstations. Companies that operate in traditional offices have changed their seating arrangements to allow more space in-between cubicles and desks.

Load up on cleaning and disinfecting supplies

This is a critical part of your safe work practices plan. Research shows that cleaning and disinfecting doorknobs, desks, computer keyboards, counters, faucets, and other frequently touched surfaces is an effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, it is imperative that you stock up on cleaning products, paper towels, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes and sprays, and make them accessible to your employees.

Final Thoughts

Small business owners are facing major challenges like keeping their employees safe and finding ways to operate with new restrictions, like wearing masks and social distancing. There is no way to predict how many COVID-19 cases will be diagnosed on any given day, or when the curve will be flattened, so you need to have an up-to-date safety plan in place for your employees, customers, suppliers, and everyone else who will visit your business.

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